Guadalupe River Home Gated Entrance
Classic 1970's river home, bathed in greenery
073d2a3b da15 4522 a324 fc786efe7a2a
E118fa15 f0b1 4110 abc4 cc4c8eabc05b
Open living room, kitchen, and dining room
D14c7de8 ea60 4abf 8250 157aa401657a
Dining room table and barstools sit 12 people comfortably
6cf5c593 f8ee 4a0c b1ae 71f9f5e2db28
88a0adf8 0906 4f81 bc37 0da860a18923
Master bathroom with walk in shower.
Master shower
Family en suite bathroom
Family en suite with side room with two twin beds with own bathroom.
Full size bed
Bathroom in room with full size bed
Downstairs double queen set up with dresser not pictured
51e7e97b 5d81 44fb a3ce 01eed5ba6223
B7cbed95 0a7b 4b4d 80ed ac821f0ccb75